The 8 Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Made Everyday | Daily Beauty

After a terrible few instances of ‘hyperseborrhea’, which is essentially, using too much of a product on your skin that makes the oil (the sebaceous glands that secrete sebum) go into overdrive and end up making too much of the oil that it starts to harm your skin. I read up extensively about what you’re supposed to use- how- and a few tricks to go about managing the quantity of your daily beauty products. 

The Mask Returns: The Face Shop Masks Review

One, being the fact that I am a fan of Korean beauty products, South-East Asian skin is to die for. And second, summer is ‘ere, I want to be proactive this time and not let my Mum be subject to “By what percentage is my pimple better, Mom?” a couple of million times a day.

My Tryst With Patanjali: Review

I also had a somewhat change in heart. (Also eventually, not just on that day) I actually started to prefer some Patanjali Products over my “Capitalist/ Materialist choices”